Farming superior quality oysters

Farming superior quality product in sustainable manner is extremely rewarding and self satisfying. Understanding the natural environment has been essential to promote and adapt
best aquaculture practices. Over time specific growing technics have been developed to produce a unique oyster. I have been spending years perfecting the art of growing a beautiful and succulent product.


Surveillance and protecting our natural environment

Our oysters are grown along the upper shores of Larne Lough, Co Antrim. Farming structures are located in zones of strong currents, pristine and nutrients rich waters producing a tasty a safe product for our customers. With the support of the AFBI, a local monitoring agency we keep record of environmental parameters such as turbidity, dissolved oxygen, salinity and temperature to make sure oysters are reared under the best conditions. Weekly biological sampling are also collected for heath and safety monitoring. As an oyster farmer I am guardian of the lough, reporting any unusual environmental changes to the environmental authorities.

Sustainable farming and durable development of coastal communities

Because a healthy environment is so important to sustain our oysters, and to avoid the the risk of diseases we are not over exploiting the Lough with high farming densities. The maximal production has been set to 150 tones.
Our oceans are suffering from over exploitation and the nature of our business is to responsibly produce a nutritious and sustainable food source. Impact to the environment is kept to a minimum such as the recycling and reuse of farming equipment, for example the use of old oyster bags to protect saplings, or the use use of oysters shells to enrich acidic soils. Also it is proven that filter feeders like the oysters reduce the risks of coastal eutrophication, and oyster farming provides structures enhancing the natural biodiversity of the Lough as a reef would do to the ocean.


My name is Fabrice, French native I moved in Ireland in the late 90"s where I finished my studies in Environmental and Aquatic Sciences. After working few years for the Irish Sea Fisheries board came the opportunity to take over an abandoned oyster farm in Lough Larne, Co Antrim.
Since 2014 I have been replacing the old farming structure and invested in modern farming equipment such as the sorting, bagging and depuration system and a new aquaculture vessel. Starting with few hundred kg the farm is now producing 30 tones of quality oysters with the goal of
60 tones by 2022.

The farm location

Larne Lough or from the Irish Loch Lutheran also known as Inbhear nOllarbha is a narrow sea inlet located 30 minutes drive North belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland.
The Lough lies between the peninsula of Island Magee and the mainland.
The farm operates in a scenic environment along between Millay and the mudflats bird reserve upper shores.


Address :
1, Glenfall Mews, Gleno.
BT40 3 FD, Larne
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Phone :
+44 (0)7828699929
